“To maintain, sustain, and improve services provided to city residents.”
Originally Tlingit territory, Kasaan gets its name from the Tlingit word meaning “pretty town.” Haidas migrated north to the island from the Queen Charlotte Islands in the early 1700s and established the village now known as “Old Kasaan” 7 miles south on Skowl Arm. Between 1892 and 1900, the Copper Queen mine, camp, sawmill, post office, and general store were built by a group of businessmen on Kasaan Bay, and the Haida people relocated to this new village. The copper mine went bankrupt after four years, but in 1902 the first salmon cannery was constructed. The cannery burned in 1907, 1910, and again in 1911 but was rebuilt each time. The cannery operated sporadically until 1953. During this time, Kasaan had a school, three stores, a Presbyterian church, and other businesses. Chief Sonihat built the Whale House during the 1930s, a traditional long house which became the focus of the new Kasaan Totem Park. Many of the totems left from the old village site were moved to the park in 1938. Kavilco, Inc., the local village corporation, purchased the old cannery buildings and property in 1974. The city was incorporated in 1976. Remnants of the historical Karta River village and petroglyphs lie north of the city, and the Old Tom Creek village and fort lie south of the city.
Location & Climate
Kasaan is situated on the east side of Prince of Wales Island on Kasaan Bay, 30 miles northwest of Ketchikan. It lies at approximately 55.540060 North Latitude and -132.402200 West Longitude. (Sec. 18, T073S, R086E, Copper River Meridian.) Kasaan is located in the Ketchikan Recording District. The area encompasses 5.3 sq. miles of land and 0.9 sq. miles of water. Prince of Wales Island is dominated by a cool, moist, maritime climate. Average summer temperatures range from 49 to 63 °F; winter temperatures average from 32 to 42 °F. Average annual precipitation is 120 inches, with 40 inches of snow. *State of AK, DOT AMHS.
68 (US Census)

2nd Class City originally incorporated in 1976. The city currently employs 4 lead staff positions. Regular elections are held the 1st Tuesday in October. The City Council meets every 2nd Tuesday of the month. There is currently no city sales tax for this community.
Electric Utility
Alaska Power Company (Private). Power source: hydro with diesel back-up. Kilowatt capacity: 246. In November of 2010 the small commercial rate for 1,500kWh/month was $0.1320with a monthly fee of $12.93. (JEDC Asset Mapping Report)
Water & Sewer Utilities
Water is derived from a water infiltration gallery at Linkum Creek, treated and piped to all homes in the core area. Homes use individual septic tanks. 95% are fully plumbed.
Solid Waste
The City collects refuse weekly and ships it to the Thorne Bay landfill.
Transportation Facilities
State-owned seaplane base, city dock and a small boat harbor. The community is connected to the island road system.
Transportation Services
Accessible by float/sea plane and small water craft. Small wheeled aircraft service in Klawock and State of Alaska AMHS, ferry service in Hollis.

The Barry Craig Stewart Kasaan School is in the Southeast Island School District K-12. Student enrollment in the 2009-10 school year was 10. Student-teacher ratio: 7.6:1.
Health Care
Kasaan Clinic operated by SEARHC. EMS.Emergency service and ambulance.
Federally Recognized Tribe
Organized Village of Kasaan.
Village Corporation
Kavilco, Incorporated
Other Community Buildings
Kasaan Community Hall, School Library, Kasaan People’s Wellness Library.
Community Economic Development Projects
Priority Projects
- New Water Treatment Plant and Tank
- Kasaan Road, Goose Creek Road Improvement- Underway
- Water and Sewer Mains community septic tanks for East Kavilko SD
- Totem Trail Cafe, Kasaan Village Store (Open seasonally/demand dependent)
- Discovery Lodge
- Discovery Cabins (Open)
- Community Garden / Green House
- Community Playground