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2025 SE Conference Mid-Session Summit & Transportation Symposium 2025 Mid-Session SummitLatest News
RFP OPPORTUNITY: Regional Municipal Solid Waste Management Planning #2024-07
The Southeast Alaska Solid Waste Authority (SEASWA), in collaboration with SEC is soliciting proposals for the research and mapping of MSW disposal needs in SE AK, research of MSW disposal best practices being used in other parts of AK and the Lower 48, and work with SEC and SEASWA to develop a strategy for efficiently managing MSW within and between SEAK communities . Download Full RFP Here
The National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) is pleased to announce the election of Robert Venables, Executive Director of Southeast Conference in Juneau, Alaska as Secretary of the association on October 23 at NADO’s 2024 Annual Business Meeting. Full Press Release Here
Southeast Conference, in a partnership led by Alaska Heat Smart and support from the Alaska Municipal League, were awarded $38.6 million through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s competitive Climate Pollution Reduction Grant program (CPRG) . Read Full Press Release Here
Do you need help with an energy project in your community? This program can help!
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Mission: As the state and federally designated regional economic development organization for Southeast Alaska, Southeast Conference serves as the collective voice for advancing the region’s economy. Southeast Conference has 180 member organizations representing 1,200 people from 32 regional communities. The mission of Southeast Conference is to undertake and support activities that promote strong economies, healthy communities and a quality environment in Southeast Alaska. Southeast Conference formed in 1958 with a group of people supporting the establishment of a regional transportation system in Southeast Alaska, which led to the formation of the Alaska Marine Highway System. After that success Southeast Conference stayed together through more than a half-century to focus on concerns unique to the region, including transportation, maritime, tourism, timber, seafood, mining, health care, government, and overall quality of life.