Membership Directory

AAA Moving




Airlift Northwest

Alaska Airlines

Alaska Chamber of Commerce

Alaska Committee

Alaska Communications

Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation

Alaska Forest Association

Alaska General Seafood

Alaska Glacier Seafoods

Alaska Governor

Alaska Heat Smart

Alaska Legislature

Alaska Litho

Alaska Marine Lines

Alaska Mental Health Land Trust

Alaska Miners Association

Alaska Municipal League

Alaska Power & Telephone

Alaska Power Association

Alaska Safety Alliance

Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute

Alaska Seaplanes

Alaska Travel Industry Association

Alaska Trollers Association

Alaska Village Electric Cooperative

Alaska Waste

Alaskan Brewing Company

Allen Marine Tours

ALPS Fed Credit Union

Andy Hughes

Avista Corp

Bartlett Regional Hospital

Blackwolf Copper and Gold LTD

Blue Star Oysters

Bowhead Transport

Byte Networking

Cape Fox Corporation

Capital Office Systems

Central Council Tlingit & Haida

Channel Construction

Chelan Produce Company

Chilkoot Indian Association

Chinook Futures Coalition

City & Borough of Juneau

City & Borough of Sitka

City & Borough of Wrangell

City & Borough of Yakutat

City of Angoon

City of Coffman Cove

City of Cordova

City of Craig

City of Edna Bay

City of Gustavus

City of Hoonah

City of Hydaburg

City of Kake

City of Kasaan

City of Ketchikan

City of Klawock

City of Kupreanof

City of Pelican

City of Port Alexander

City of Prince Rupert

City of Saxman

City of Tenakee Springs

City of Thorne Bay

City of Whitehorse

Coastal Keller Williams Realty – Alaska Group

Coastal Helicopters Inc.

Coeur Alaska, Inc.

Confluence Strategies, Inc.

Constantine Mining LLC

Cordova Chamber

Cordova Electric Cooperative

Crowley Fuels

Cruise Lines International Association

D. Hittle & Associates

Delta Western Petroleum

Denali Commission


Electric Power Systems, Inc.

Elfin Cove Lodge

Elgee Rehfeld LLC

Elliott Bay Design Group Ltd.

First Bank

First National Bank of Alaska

First Things First Foundation

Foraged and Found


Goldbelt, Inc.

Greater Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce.

Greater Sitka Chamber of Commerce

Grow Ketchikan

Haida Corporation

Haines Borough

Haines Chamber of Commerce

Haines Economic Development Council

Hames Corporation

Hammer & Wikan Inc.


Hanson Maritime Company

Hard Rock Drilling

Hecla Greens Creek Mining

HDR Alaska

Hi-Viz Consulting and Services LLC

Hoffman & Blasco

Holland America Line, Inc.

Hoonah Indian Association


Huna Totem Corporation

Hydaburg Cooperative Association

Hyder Community Association

Icehouse Refrigeration

Industrial Development Services

Information Insights

Inlandboatmen’s Union of the Pacific

Inside Passage Electric Cooperative, Inc.

Inter-Island Ferry Authority

Int’l Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

Int’l Org of Masters Mates & Pilots

Int’l Union of Operating Engineers

Island Air Express

J.M. Walsh

Jay M Johnson, LLC

Jim Clark

Juneau Arts and Humanities Center

Juneau Chamber of Commerce

Juneau Economic Development Council

Juneau Hydropower

Kake Tribal Corporation

Ketchikan Gateway Borough

Ketchikan Indian Community

Ketchikan Visitors Bureau

Kjardell Company

Klawock Cooperative Association

Klawock Heenya Corporation


Law Offices of Jane Mores, LLC

Lyndon, Inc

Madison Lumber & Hardware

Marine Exchange of Alaska

Mary Lynn Dahl

Masters Mates & Pilots

McDonald’s Of Southeast Alaska

McKinley Research Group, LLC

Merrill Sanford

Mertz CPA & Advisor

Moffatt & Nichol

Municipality of Skagway

Native Village of Eyak

Naukati Bay, Inc.

NC Machinery

Northrim Bank

Northwind Architects

Ocean Beauty Seafoods, Inc.

Oceans Alaska

Organized Village of Kake

Organized Village of Kasaan

Pacific Fishing, Inc.

Pacific Salmon Treaty Coalition

Pacific Seafood Processors Association


Petersburg Borough

Petersburg Chamber of Commerce

Petersburg Economic Development Council

Petersburg Indian Association

PND Engineers

Port of Bellingham

Power Systems & Supplies

Premium Aquatics, LLC

Prince of Wales Chamber of Commerce

Prince Rupert Chamber

Rain Coast Data

Red Onion Saloon, Inc.

Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine

Reliable Transfer

Renewable Energy Alaska Project

Resource Development Council


Royal Caribbean Cruises LTD

Samson Tug & Barge

SE AK Fishermen’s Alliance

SE AK Power Agency

SE AK Regional Dive Fisheries Assoc.

SE Stevedoring Corporation

Seafood Producers

Sealaska Corporation



Service Auto Parts

Shee Atika, Inc.

Sheinberg and Associates

Silver Bay Seafoods

Sitka Economic Development Association, Inc.

Sitka Tribe of Alaska

Skagway Chamber of Commerce

Skagway Development

Southeast AK Pilots Association

Southeast Alaska Tourism Council (SATC)

Southeast Island School District

Southeast Road Builders

Southern SE Region Aquaculture

Spruce Root, LLC

Survey Point Holdings


Tamico, Inc

Taquan Air

The Landing Hotel

The Nature Conservancy

Tlingit Haida Regional Housing Authority

Tongass Federal Credit Union

Totemic Solutions

Travel Juneau

Trident Seafoods Corporation

True North FCU

TSS, Inc.

Turnagain Marine Construction

Tyler Rental

UAA Land Management

Ucore Rare Metals

United Fishermen of Alaska

United Way Southeast Alaska

University of Alaska, Anchorage

University of Alaska, Southeast

Venture Travel

Vigor Alaska

Viking Lumber

Visit Sitka

Ward Cove Group

Wells Fargo Bank N.A.

White Pass & Yukon Route

William Corbus

Wings Airways

Wostmann & Associates

Wrangell Chamber of Commerce

Wrangell Cooperative Association

Yakutat Tlingit Tribe

Lifetime Members

Bill Allen

Susan Bramstedt

Tom Briggs

Dave Carlson

Bill MacKay

Herb Pond

Carole Rushmore

Robert Ward

Bill Williams