Southeast Alaska Economic Development Plans

Economic Development Committee, Southeast Conference CEDS

  • Southeast Alaska 2020 Economic Plan, 2020
    • Southeast Conference is responsible for developing a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) for Southeast Alaska designed to identify regional priorities for economic and community development.


  • Climate Change Adaptation Plan, 2019
    • Tlingit & Haida tribes seek information and studies on climate change in Southeast Alaska to fully understand its impacts to their tribal citizens and their way of life. In a national technical report on climate change, there were only two pages on Southeast Alaska and climate change impacts. In addition, the Tlingit & Haida tribes requested information on Southeast climate change from local scientists, the University of Alaska, U.S. Geological Survey, and the U.S. Forest Service; and it was determined that there is currently little information specific to the Southeast Alaska region.
  • Alaska Marine Highway Reform Initiative, Ongoing
    • The Alaska Marine Highway System (AMHS) Reform Steering Committee is pursuing legislation to transition the ferry system to a Public Corporation, creating a more sustainable organization.
    • This project includes two phases: Phase 1 Report (2016), Phase 2 Report (2017).
  • Southeast Alaska Transportation Plan, 2004
    • Alaska’s marine transportation linkages are critical to communities and the state’s economy. The Alaska Marine Highway System (AMHS), which provides many of those critical linkages, is at a critical juncture. With declining state funding support the ferry system must find a way to sustain essential services with its limited resources.


  • Juneau Economic Development Plan, 2014 (10-year scope)
    • During 2014, McDowell Group and Sheinberg Associates worked with the community to develop a 10-year vision and strategic action plan for Juneau’s economic future.
  • Juneau Tourism Management Plan, 2002
    • The Juneau Tourism Plan development process was undertaken by Egret Communications and ARA Consulting in April 2001, under contract with the City and Borough of Juneau, Alaska. This planning process was initiated in response to community concerns about rapid cruise tourism growth but has focused on managing the success and impacts of both cruise tourism and destination travel.


  • Sitka Economic Profile, 2020
    • This document provides a high-level overview of the latest data available on key socioeconomic indicators for Sitka. Many of the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are not yet evident in available data, which may have time lags of a month to more than a year. The observed or likely effects of COVID-19 are discussed where possible.
  • Sitka 2030 Comprehensive Plan, 2017
    • Implementing this plan, developed by the City and Borough of Sitka, will help Sitka leverage local resources, promote economic vitality and adaptability, and retain valued aspects of the community into the future.
  • Sitka Economic Development Association Strategic Plan, 2016
    • Created by the Sitka Economic Development Association in 2016 with the goal of targeting opportunities that will bolster Sitka’s economic enterprises.


  • Comprehensive Plan, 2020
    • The Comprehensive Plan is a long-range document that memorializes the vision of the community and the leadership of the Ketchikan Gateway Borough.


  • Economic Trends Report, 2019
    • The dashboard below looks at some of the key indicators including population, employment, commercial activity, and cost of living. Where possible, we compared Petersburg figures to those from other communities in the region, and across the state to provide a point of comparison.
  • Long Range Transportation Plan, Petersburg Indian Association, Updated 2019
    • The 2019 Petersburg Indian Association (PIA) Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) is a twenty-year comprehensive plan developed and updated by the Petersburg Indian Association in a five-year cycle.
    • The LRTP is an important component in obtaining Federal funding for roadway improvements through the Tribal Transportation Program.
  • Petersburg Borough Comprehensive Plan Update, 2016
    • The Comprehensive Plan Update gives Petersburg Borough residents, businesses, organizations, and landowners a tool to set a shared course for the future that is based on a thorough review and honest look at the Borough’s challenges and opportunities.


  • Wrangell Alaska Economic Conditions Report, Updated October 2020
    • Conducted by Rain Coast Data.
    • As of October, this report was updated to include 2019 data and some 2020 data. It will be updated again next year to reflect the economic impacts from COVID-19.
  • Wrangell Institute Master Plan and Subdivision, 2017
    • The former site of a Native boarding school with a harrowed past was demolished over a decade ago. Now, the land is being used to possibly develop a new boarding school.
    • The Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program – or ANSEP – is an accelerated learning program based on the University of Alaska Anchorage campus. ANSEP Vice Provost and Founder Herb Schroeder presented the possibility of building the school on the property during a public hearing on June 15, 2016 with public approval.
  • Comprehensive Plan, 2010 (10-year scope)
    • The purpose of the City and Borough of Wrangell Comprehensive Plan is to guide growth over the next 10 to 20 years. The plan was adopted by the Borough Assembly in June 2010. The Plan describes current conditions, reviews outstanding issues and needs, and lays out an orderly path to help achieve the desired future. Topics covered are quality of life, municipal government, the economy and economic development, transportation, land use, public works and utilities, public safety, public services, and remote settlement areas.


  • Five Year Economic Plan, 2018
    • This plan serves as a blueprint for how HEDC will facilitate economic development over the next five years. It is an action plan with specific ideas that have been vetted as having community support, a high probability of success and reward for the community and measurable outcomes.



  • Skagway 2030 Comprehensive Plan, 2020
    • The Skagway Comprehensive Plan addresses quality of life, community demographics, municipal fiscal trends, employment and economic development, transportation, land use, housing, public safety, public services and utilities.


  • Prince of Wales Landscape Level Analysis Level Project, Updated September 2020
    • The purpose of the Prince of Wales Landscape Level Analysis Project (POW LLA) is to improve forest ecosystem health on Craig and Thorne Bay Ranger Districts, help support community resilience, and to use an integrated approach in meeting multiple resource objectives in order to provide economic development.


  • Community Needs Assessment of Thorne Bay, 2016
    • This assessment focused on finding what were the causes and effects of un- and underemployment in Thorne Bay and what programming may counteract this.
  • Thorne Bay Comprehensive Plan, 1999
    • This comprehensive plan is meant to work in conjunction with other city planning documents as a guide for making decisions that will affect the future of Thorne Bay. Established policy set forth in this plan will guide decisions concerning land use, the development and improvement of public facilities, transportation issues, and the capital expenditures they incur.


  • Hoonah Indian Association Tribal Economic Development Strategy Plan, 2019
    • The HIA TEDS Plan reviews the process used to create this economic strategy; provides an overview of HIA programs and services; analyzes the Southeast Alaska and Hoonah economy both to identify opportunities and align with the Southeast Conference 2018 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy and the 2016 Hoonah Economic Development Plan; reports on the results of a community survey to help understand Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) and consider ways to make the economy and community more resiliency.
  • 2017-2027 Hoonah Economic Development Plan, 2016
    • Understanding current economic conditions, and information from the public and business owners, the Hoonah Economic Development Committee oversaw preparation of the August draft and the October final, “2017-2027 Hoonah Economic Development Plan” that identifies economic goals and priorities.


  • Angoon Airport Master Plan, 2007
    • In order to address the transportation shortfalls faced by the people of Angoon – the largest community in the region without a landing strip – a planning effort was begun in 2001 as a first step in developing an airport. This plan includes a review of past work that has been completed as part of the planning process for the airport.


  • Kake Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Plan